Scin Stakeholder mapping

SCIN (Stakeholder centered innovation) is an elaborate stakeholder mapping tool that allows you to
1) make an exhaustive inventory your stakeholders
2) select the right stakeholders for your next project step(s)
Tips for use
Use the scin template(s) early in the project to plan your user research. It is best practice to also use scin again as a tool for planning the development phase. Revisit the tool any time you think of planning a next step involving users in research, concept creation or implementation.
How to use
Scin has five stages
Step 1 – Describe value related activities
Step 2 – List organisations
Step 3 – Segment stakeholders/users
Step 4 – Select stakeholders
Step 5 – Plan stakeholder involvement
Step 1: Describe value related activities
Pick a linear proces that best describes/covers the current context your stakeholders come from and divide this process into a sequence of verbs/ activities that take place. The chosen process might be based on a customer journey, a product life cycle, a value chain, whatever covers the context best.
Let’s say we want to involve stakeholders in a project to reduce the environmental impact of canoe hiring on the Kleine Nete. It makes sense to pick the CUSTOMER JOURNEY(see tool) as a process to identify stakeholders.
Canoe trip : travel > hire canoe > boat > eat > return to base > travel > share on socials
Step 2: List organisations
For each VERB, make a list of all the ORGANISATIONS/ GROUPS that have a direct link to the activity.
In most cases there are also elements or stakeholders that affect your context, but are not directly linked to the chosen process. Have a short brainwriting exercise to ad them to the stakeholder map.
Step 3: Segment stakeholders/users
For each ORGANISATION/GROUP, List all possible FUNCTION TITLES that have a direct link to the activity
At the end of step 3 you wil likely have a list of up to 150 individual stakeholders, which is a lot! However : the key insight of your research that leads to reduce the environmental impact of canoe hiring might arise from observing or interviewing a local restaurant owner. Imagine that he/she was NOT on your list…
Step 4: Select stakeholders
For each relevant project step, select your most important stakeholders based on two criteria (each participant has 5 red and 5 Blue dots).
Does the stakeholder have POWER ? Is the stakeholder in a position to influence the context and create change? Is the stakeholder a key stakeholder to assist in implementation of our innovation? (Place a red dot)
Does the Stakeholder have INTREST? Does he or she have things at stake, do they have “skin in the game”? (place a blue dot)
Next : Plan stakeholder involvement
Formulate a strategy for user involvement Using the Power/Interest Grid to plan your next process step.
Use SCIN to
Plan user engagement in user research ( template 3a)
Plan cocreation/ development processes (template 3b)
Select participants to workshops such as focus groups
Start mapping actors in an ecosystem