Shared Dreams workshop

The tool is valuable if you are looking for a way to co-create a vision of the future that everyone agrees on. Even if there are frictions or different images in the current situations, it helps to look further ahead.
Tips for use
The intention is that this workshop will be carried out together with all relevant stakeholders in the area. Ensure that all relevant stakeholders are represented and ensure that all stakeholders have an equal say.
Make a large print of the template to use in a brainstorming session. Use sticky notes to add items on the canvas, so you can easily make changes.
Be inspired by the example of Amsterdam.
How to use
Start by defining individual components that the vision must meet before combining them into one dream vision.
Step 1: main elements brainstorm
All participants write down the most important elements that the future vision of the area must meet. Answering the following question: What are the most important elements of your vision that maximizes the added value for the area for all its users?
It can be single words or a short description. Make sure that all individual elements are noted on a separate sticky note.
Step 2: find the common denominator
Discuss all elements from step 1 in a group and look for the common interest together. Let the group jointly select the most important elements and let them describe the shared vision in a statement with the assignment: Describe in one sentence your dream image that maximizes the added value of the area for all its users.
Step 3: identify most impactful challenges
Define the key challenges that need to be overcome to achieve the dream vision. This can be done in the workshop itself, but stakeholders may already have an inventory of the challenges in the area. Bring these together, cluster the challenges where necessary and determine to what extent the solutions to the challenges contribute to realizing the shared dream. This helps to make an initial prioritization on which challenges to focus on and which challenges are interesting for everyone because they contribute to the shared dream.